<aside> 💡 What's your superpower?

“I can break things down to absolute first principles, but most importantly, I can't shit myself when things are falling apart. My mental animal is a cockroach.”



<aside> 💼 What did you do before Bookbot?

"Thinking about Bookbot."

What do you say at home when they ask you what you're doing in the Bookbot?

“Most of the time they ask me what David is doing, and I haven't managed to explain it yet.”


✒️ My posts


I occasionally write something about what's going on in Bookbot on my LinkedIn.

Dominik Gazdoš - 30 pod 30 2021 — Forbes

e15.cz - Knihobot loni prodal knihy za 300 milionů. A zvažuje další investiční kolo


Dominik Gazdoš: V knihovně mám jenom knížky, které jsem zatím nepřečetl

#6 EXEC Talk: Dominik Gazdoš (CEO, Knihobot) - Re-commerce, miliardové ambice a budování monopolu

💁 Team

What was the last thing you were most proud of your team for?

Pride in general is not a very natural emotion for me.

What do your teammates dislike you for?

For telling them things they should know more about. For taking it for granted when things go well.

What qualities do you look for in your team members?